The not knowing is wearing me out
Give it everything you've got
Silence over bullshit
I'd rather die with my dreams than let my dreams die
Everybody wants to get everything from life
Piracy is caring
"For a public bound in a flexible yet unbreakable web of credit scores, leaked e-mails, and naked photos, life on the outside of society doesn't seem that bad."
Everybody is a product of their time and place
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters
I wasn't supposed to be like this
No need to create a conflict when there isn't any
Beware of people who position themselves as being original yet lack imagination
My own procrastination is killing me
Winners never quit. Quitters never win.
Plan your work and work your plan
Lose now, win later
There's no life in my life
This mundane boring life has nothing to offer me
You don't know what you don't know
A slave always needs an excuse to be one. A free man needs no reason to be free.
Most people pretend
Whenever anything bad happens I'll be the first one to know
Bullshit is perishable
It's easy to be unhappy
I did not grow up to get old
It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time
Adventures begin when you pick the wrong path
Some people fuck, some people die
The life is now
Everyone dies alone
Being stupid is a full-time job
Sometimes memory is a time machine
Socializing with other people is the only way to be different from your parents
The Winter of Our Discontent
Pain is weakness leaving the body.